What Is Positive Affirmations

What Is Positive Affirmation

The web defines positive affirmation as:

"A technique used to program the subconscious mind to effect change by repeating (or meditating on) a key phrase to bring about the desired outcome." 

Meaning to repeat or meditate a key positive phrase to bring about a positive change

When Is The Best Time To Say Your Positive Affirmations 

According to huffingtonpost.com saying a mantra or affirmation first thing in the morning is a good idea because it "affects your decision-making for the day and you'll also remember it," says Hall, who personally commits to reciting a mantra each morning. 

What To Say As Positive Affirmations 
Huffingtonpost.com also suggest "your mantra should be your own -- something that resonates with you and helps you recenter in the moment."


  • "I can" statements: Write a statement affirming the fact that you can achieve your goal(s). For example, if you want to quit smoking, a statement such as "I can quit smoking," is a good start. Many experts recommend that you avoid any sort of negative connotation, so that you would instead say something like "I can free myself from smoking," or "I can become smoke-free."
  • "I will" statements: Write a statement affirming that today you will actually use your ability to achieve your goal. So, following the above example, you could say, "I will be smoke-free today," or "I will smoke fewer cigarettes today than yesterday." Again, the affirmation should use positive language and should simply express what you will do today to achieve the longer-term goal.
How Positive Affirmations Can Help You Make Positive Chances In Your Life

When reading up on on how practicing using positive affirmations can change your life I came across a lot of articles but I really liked the article I came across by  titled :
What is the purpose of Affirmation   

Jennifer Benson article share's that the purpose of affirmations are to "help you to start making positive changes in your life by first retraining your mind to see the possibilities. To see yourself as having already achieved that which you are seeking or which you desire."

Why Are Affirmations Successful 

Jennifer Benson's article further reads that "Affirmations are successful because they allow you to see what you want to see instead of what you currently see," I like how she continues "because we all struggle at some point in our life with something" and she continues with " but when we start to change the way we look at those struggles is when we can start to find solutions for them." 

Reading these article gave me a better understanding of the meaning of how and why positive affirmation's are good to apply to your daily routine. Hopefully, my article on the topic gave you more insight as well as to how practicing using positive affirmations can bring about positive changes in your life as well.

Disclosure: I have no affiliation with Jennifer Benson, huffingtonpost.com or wikihow and all opinions are my own.
References: Wiki How, huffingtonpost and Jennifer Benson article 

Examples of Some of My Positive Affirmation:

        "Everything I need comes to me at the perfect time"


                                                     "Believe that you will, and you will"
                                                                       - Dale Carnegie 






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