Motivation Hub, Inspire Me!

  Motivation is what drives some of us to keep going, despite what we may be growing through. Therefore, I've added a Daily Motivational Hub where anyone and everyone can come any time of the day or year to get or become  Motivated! Inspired! Ready to take on the day and the future as it comes!!

 Sometimes people seek out their purpose but I believe we are all living out our purpose unconsciously.  I believe our purpose was already programmed inside our DNA from birth. Our destiny. We've all had a purpose since we were born. Just as the leaves on trees have a purpose as well as the grass and the sun, and although the leaves do not know that they are providing us oxygen to breathe and live, they just continue to grow naturally. Along with the sun, it doesn't know that we as humans need it to sustain life, yet no one has to remind it to rotate around the planet in order for society to exist and thrive, it just naturally does it on its own unconsciously, naturally.

The same goes for us as human beings. We all have a purpose, there's no such thing as having no purpose. I believe our purpose is like the sun, unknown to us, but known by life. No one has to remind us to wake up and although we might not know it, like it the sun, we are restored every time we wake up to carry out our purpose of that time and space, whether we know what is destined for us or not. As our eyes open we are restored to thrive another day. We wake up subconsciously and we like the sun have been restored life to carry on our purpose for another day. Our day may not always go as we've scheduled, but one thing for sure it always goes as life has scheduled;.p

I believe all our life purpose is in our subconscious and if we are not content with where we are right not in life whether it be in terms of career, finances, family, friends, etc it's because our subconscious mind is trying to relate the message to the conscious mind that there's still some room for growth and that's the reason why there may be a lack of contentment of where you presently are in life, you know that there are still achievements you desire to achieve. However, there may be current or past circumstances that try to make growth or change for the best seem impossible or hard. Nonetheless, never give up, persevere, and allow the subconscious to transform into conscious thinking allowing you to achieve destine goals that you wish to achieve, that we as human beings were destined to achieve, and the contentment in life that is desired where we'll collide into our destiny. 


As I was recently evaluating my hair I noticed it grows better in its natural state and that made me think of myself. I came to the realization that not only did my hair grow better while in its natural state, but so do I. I observed the fact that I thrive more in diverse environments which allow me to be in a natural state of comfort. A natural state of comfort allowing me being able to be myself without feeling pressured to conform or portray something or someone I'm not. Therefore, I share that information with you in hopes that if you are seeking to grow in your life, career, relationships with family friends, etc be in your natural state and you'll start to see growth.

In closing, Welcome to "Whenever You Need It Motivational Hub!" Remember Everyone has a purpose in life, even you and although consciously you may not know what your purpose is in life, you can relax because your subconscious does. 

:.) And the best way to grow in life is in your natural state allowing you to receive your life purpose and goals that were destined for every one of us in life, so Relax, Be in Your Natural State & Thrive!!


                                                                May Peace Be With You ♥


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    1. Thank you Pat W Coffey for your feedback!


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